Over the Bike Jeon Hyun-moo Bicycle + Saddle Cover

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306.72$ /Sản phẩm

(1047 available)

Total Price:
Product name and model nameoverthebikeKC Certification InformationRefer to product details page
Size, weightWhen folded, 12*62*60(cm), when unfolded, 52*62*60~94(cm)colorWhite
texturePlastic, PP, EVAProduct CompositionOver the Bike + Over the Bike Saddle Cover
Release dateRefer to product details pageManufacturer (Importer)Derby Team Group Co., Ltd.
Country of OriginRefer to product details pageDetailed specifications by productRefer to product details page
Quality Assurance StandardsRefer to product details pageA/S Manager and Phone Number1533-9579
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    Shipping methodSequential deliverydelivery feeFree shipping
    - not available in remote areas
    Shipping companyLotte Express
    Whether to bundle shippingpossible
    Delivery periodㆍDelivery to remote areas such as islands or mountainous areas may take 3-5 days longer.
      - Please understand that there may be some delays in exceptional circumstances such as natural disasters or fluctuations in supply and demand.
    Exchange/Return Guide
    Exchange/return cost
    (round trip cost)
    30,000 won
    - However, this only applies in case of customer change of mind
    - Delivery to islands and mountainous areas is not possible
    Exchange/Return Request Deadline

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